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     Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil

Détail de l'annonce :Marrakech
Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil has remained a strictly kept secret, known only to Berber people in Morocco, who used it for either for cosmetic benefit, culinary and healing many skins and body diseases such as scars, eczema, acne and psoriasis. This fantastic news has caused surges in the cosmetic industry. The Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil plant, from studies, has survived the extreme environmental conditions of the nation to deliver kernels which component we can consider the most valuable oil in the world. Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil remains one of the costliest on the planet due to its limited quantity and conventional production. In comparison, the Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil is linked to gold because of its value. For centuries the women of Morocco have been admired worldwide for their youthful faces and lush, rich hair that looks nice well into advanced age. Some explorers thought there must be a fountain of youth, but they soon discovered the secret to be an all-natural oil coming from a local tree. Thus the miracle of 100% all-natural and completely Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil was conceived. It is now one of the most revered natural substances on Earth. Millions of people all over the world use Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil like the one exported by Oriental Group (we export to 104 countries). We offer Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil and wholesale Argan Oil products that represent the very finest of Morocco’s proud tradition. You can get just as much 100% Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil as you want here. Are you looking for the trusted and certified partner who can supply you Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil? If yes, then stop your search now. Group Oriental is one of the trusted and faithful suppliers in the market for your Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil demand. We are recognized for our top notch and 100% Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil and natural products. Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil is an organic product and used for softening skin, hairs and removing aging marks on the face. Group Oriental is a Moroccan registered company who is knowns for its import and export of Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil. We are the wholesale suppliers who are offering Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil to the customers for many years. Whether you need Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil for culinary use or whether you want to use it in natural cosmetic products, we are here to provide you 100% high quality; full cold pressed natural Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil. We never conciliate on the quality, every product is first checked and then supply to the customers. So you don’t need to worry about the authentication of the oil as we only provide you 100% genuine products to our valuable customers.  We Import and Export 100% Natural Bulk Certified Virgin Argan Oil and cosmetic products in Morocco


Achat / Vente (Matériaux – Equipements) - Autre
Secteur d'activité :
Mode, beauté, bienétre
Informations sur l'annonceur :
Nom : Khalid Ait L
Téléphone :21-25-24-33-54

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22-12-2022 12:00 Partager Imprimer Sauvgarder
Mots clés associés :
Réf:136 | Vue: 2590



Études de marché-Banque - Finance - Assurance
-Conseil & Droit-Ressources Humaines
- Domiciliation & services de bureaux


Comptabilité-Transports maritimes
-Équipements pour bureaux-Services juridiques
-Télécommunications-Flotte automobile
-Transporteur international


Publicité-Promotion des ventes
-Certifications iso-Consulting export
-Conteneurs-Agence web

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